Now Four Of US

A struggling single father of two teenage daughters, whose wife left him for another man; suddenly dumps his two daughters who are always dressed as boys, at the doorstep of a depressed woman, he just met at a bar the previous night.

Zoke Studios
Now Four Of US Movie

We had no challenge writing this lovely piece, except trying as much as we can to define the teenage characters to be feminine in behaviour, but masculine in dressing.

They looked like boys because that’s all their father knows, he hands them his clothes and never takes them shopping for female stuff.

Now Four Of US Movie

Our client wanted a unique family story, and we gave them a romantic, yet comic family script.

Showing the struggles a single parent goes through to care for the children alone. While also showing the effects of a broken home on children, and how it affects them; leaving them with the trauma of a broken home, that can spawn into hatred for the particular parent that chose to leave.


The story was loved by everyone who read it, the actors loved it, saying it gave them challenging roles to carry, and execute.

The crew loved it, and because it was an educative & unique story, they all brought their A-game and the script was shot in the 3rd quarter of 2022, and was released on the 10th of November, 2022 on Zoketv’s YouTube channel.

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